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 Lesson 1
 An Overview of QFD
 Lesson 4
 Deploying Through the Later Phases of QFD

Sequential vs. Concurrent Design Approaches
Use of QFD for Integrated Product Development
Benefits of Reduced Cost and Time to Market
Need for and Role of QFD
Strengths of QFD
Voice of the Customer
Phases of the QFD Planning Process

Phase II <Product Design>
Inputs to and Desired Outcomes
Construction and Analysis of the Phase II Matrix

Phase III
<Process Planning>
Inputs to and Desired Outcomes
Construction and Analysis of the Phase III Matrix

Phase IV
<Process Control Planning>
Inputs to and Desired Outcomes
Creation of the Phase IV Planning Documents

Phases II-IV
<Supporting Analytical Tools>
Pugh Concept Selection, Flow Diagram, FMEA, Fault
Tree Analysis

Class Exercise

 Lesson 2
 Hearing the Voice of the Customer

The Kano and Klein Models of
Customers' Quality Perceptions
Techniques for Gathering and Analyzing
Customer Data
Sources of Customer Data (with Pros
and Cons of Each)
Guidelines for Survey and Interview Planning
Voice of the Customer Table
Class Exercise

 Lesson 5
 Starting a QFD Project

Forming a QFD Team
Role of Management
Criteria for Success
Lessons Learned by Other Companies
Selecting a Pilot Project
Common Pitfalls
Starting the First QFD
QFD Roadmap
 Lesson 3
 Using the House of Quality in Phase I

Phase I <Product Planning>
Inputs to and Desired Outcomes

Constructing a House of Quality (HOQ) Matrix

Components of the HOQ
Team HOQ Construction Steps
The Pre-Planning Matrix
Importance Weighting
Relationship Matrix
Competitive Comparisons
Correlation Matrix

Analyzing a Completed House of Quality

Phase I <Supporting Analytical Tools>
Affinity Diagram, etc.Three Class Exercises

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with Consulting and Training in Quality Improvement Methods

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